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Avoid Risks in Real Estate Auctions

Get a professional analysis of the registry certification of auction and foreclosed properties for 199€.

How does it work?

  1. Fill out the form

    Tell us which auction you are interested in.

  2. Expert Analysis

    Our team will conduct a thorough investigation of the property.

  3. Detailed Report

    Receive a professional analysis of the property's load certification within 48 hours.

  4. Personalized Advice

    We help you make the best decision based on our findings.

What if I manage to be the highest bidder?

If you wish, our team of real estate lawyers can manage the entire process from the highest bid certificate to the award decree and registration of the property.

Unlike other services, we do not charge a percentage of the bid but a fixed price.

Testimonials from Satisfied Customers

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Laura G.

Real Estate Investor

Thanks to Valido Home, I avoided a bad investment in an auction. They discovered that the mortgage was listed in two separate entries and I would have had to take care of the charge prior to the one being foreclosed. invaluable service!

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Juan Carlos R.

First Time Homebuyer

I was interested in a foreclosed apartment in Marbella and Valido Home's detailed analysis gave me the confidence to proceed. Their report was clear and complete, an essential tool for my decision.

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Marta S.

Entrepreneur and Rental Property Owner

Before discovering this Valido Home service I attended auctions as a spectator but thanks to them I now have the confidence I lacked and I have already obtained a parking space and a storage room.

    Our Blog

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    Housing Auctions: Doubtful Charges (Risks for Awardees)

    3 min

    En el ámbito de las subastas judiciales, un aspecto crucial que a menudo pasa desapercibido es el de las cargas registrales de dudosa cancelación. Estos elementos, aunque menos evidentes, pueden plantear serios riesgos para los adjudicatarios. En este artículo, exploraremos estos riesgos y cómo impactan a los compradores en las subastas judiciales, ofreciendo una visión clara para inversores y profesionales del sector.

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    Home Auctions: When you assume more burdens than registered (Risks for Awardees)

    4 min

    Tras haber abordado los riesgos de las cargas registrales en subastas de viviendas a las que el adjudicatario se subroga, este tercer artículo de nuestra serie se enfoca en una cuestión menos evidente pero igualmente crítica: la posibilidad de asumir cargas registrales mayores de lo esperado. Analizaremos cómo las discrepancias entre la información proporcionada y su reflejo en los registros pueden llevar a responsabilidades y costos no anticipados para los compradores. A través de ejemplos y sentencias judiciales relevantes, como las de las Audiencias Provinciales de Guadalajara y Madrid, ilustraremos las complejidades y precauciones necesarias en el mundo de las subastas inmobiliarias.

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    Important Legal Notice

    At Valido Home, we provide a thorough analysis of the property's registry certification to help you make an informed decision before participating in an auction. However, it is crucial that, as an interested party in the auction, you perform the following additional checks to ensure a safe investment:

    1. Verification of Physical Existence: Confirm that the property listed at auction physically exists and matches the description provided in the auction documents.
    2. Possessory Situation: Investigates whether the property is occupied, vacant or if there are unauthorized occupants (squatters) present. This information is crucial to understand the potential legal challenges and procedures that may be necessary.
    3. Rights of Use and Enjoyment: If the property is occupied, it is critical to determine what type of legal rights the occupants have over the property and how this could impact your rights as a potential future owner.
    4. Market Valuation Before making an offer, research the market price of similar properties in the same area to ensure that your offer is competitive and reflects actual market value. Set the maximum bid you would pay for the property and stick to it during the auction. Don't get carried away.

    Remember, these steps are essential to complement the legal analysis and avoid unwanted surprises in the future. At Valido Home, we are here to help you every step of the way, but your extra diligence is key to a successful investment.

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