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Property Inspection

Getting the property you want to buy inspected will be your best decision to avoid future surprises and will help you negotiate the real market price.

How does it work?

  1. Fill out the form with the necessary information.
  2. After receiving your request and payment confirmation, we will contact the seller or real estate agent within 24h to arrange the date and time of the inspection.
  3. We will inform you of the date and time of the inspection and you will be able to attend it if you wish. 
  4. After the inspection we will arrange a meeting with you, in person or by phone, to share our professional opinion on the state of the property.
  5. You will receive a full written report of our findings within 24-48 hours.


Apartment 610€*
Penthouse / Duplex 840€*
House 910€*
Detached house 1.060€*
Villa 1.370€*

* Applicable VAT included in price.

  • 01 PISO

    Up to 100m²


    Or apartment with more than 100m²


    Semi-detached or terraced house


    Up to 250m² floor space

  • 05 VILLA

    Above 250m² floor space

* Applicable VAT included in price.


Personal Information


Property Information

(block, door number, fllor number, suite, etc.)
(e.g. idealista, fotocasa, etc.)

Property Contact Information



Additional information or questions you want to share with us.

Do you have any questions?

Feel free to get in touch and we will help you find the best way to make a secure property purchase.

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